Saturday, October 17, 2009

Poem By KhushGul Fatima, 8th Jasmine

A tremor shakes up a million souls,
Shatters a million lives
A divide across the earth gives birth to an endless strive
A violent shudder eradicates
Leaving a path of destruction in its wake
A trembling haze suspended above the painful break
The houses are flattened, nobody’s home
An overwhelming burden that everybody’s alone
Watching a miasma of sorrow rise  
Ironic how seven minutes can lead to a demise

Friday, October 9, 2009

Master Asad Javeed 8 Tulip A Poem!!!

I stared from the Martian super-telescope,

Down on the blue and green earth.

I looked at the shaking,

I looked at the souls,

Rising from the bodies of the crushed,

I, a Martian, felt from my star-shaped heart,

The pain and misery,

Down on earth.

I stared from the Martian super-telescope,

At Pakistan’s hell shaking with full force,

I never deny, that devil had much power,

Enough to shake the earth,

Some fled out of the coverings,

But some remained in, those crushed souls,

They were dead, they were crushed,

I saw the others weeping their hearts out.

I stared from the Martian super-telescope,

At the rescue teams pulling out the bodies,

Many lost their relatives, many lost themselves,

But they all had a brave heart,

As they survived and pulled out the bodies,

They knew nothing cold be done,

Those lost could not return.

Haris Ishtiaq, 8th Tulip B.S.S Wah (2)

To the victims of Earthquake of 8th October 2005,
We the Pakistanis are very proud to say that you are one of us and we will be there to help you in every condition possible! We salute your bravery and pray for your safety.Many of our relatives were also gone on this judgment day... We pray for your injured ones and if you have any sorrowfulness on your hearts that you are alone,throe that thought out of your minds.We are with you and will always be there to support you and be your side.

Quaid-e-Azam fought for the Pakistanis and gave us the gift of Independence,,, you are a part of Pakistan and we are your brothers and sons! This day will always be in our mind and heart because on this day half of this gift and its people were ruined.Our forefathers shed their blood to get us our own home and now if we have it it is our duty to protect it and keep it safe.Of course nothing can happen against the will of almighty God but God also demands good and Right!

We salute your bravery and will always try to help you in any way possible.May God grant Heaven to your passed ones and grant rapid and prosperous future(ameen).Bravery is being the only one who knows that you are afraid but we will make that bravery know that we are not afraid and we can fight for our lives!

The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and not withstanding,go out to meet it!
You my friends are surely the bravest people Alive on earth!May Allah give you long lives and give recovery to your lives(ameen).Our both hands will be on your shoulders helping you towards success and life.

Stand proud and preach for the Grace of God
If you wish to relay your gratitude.
Set an example for those who follow.

It takes bravery and courage to stand up for a religion. Even if it costs you death and you all have that bravery in you!
May Allah give you courage and support to face the dangers and difficulties of an adventure called LIFE...,,,,,,,,,


Haris Ishtiaq 8th Tulip B.S.S Wah 1

It takes courage
To refrain from gossip
When others delight in it,
To stand up for the absent person
Who is being abused.

It takes courage
To live honestly
Within your means,
And not dishonestly
On the means of others.

It takes courage
To be a REAL man or a TRUE woman,
To hold fast to your ideals
When it causes you
To be looked upon
As strange and peculiar.

It takes courage
To be talked about,
And remain silent,
When a word would justify you
In the eyes of others,
But which you dare not speak
Because it would injure another.

It takes courage
To refuse to do something
That is wrong
Although everyone else
May be doing it
With attitudes as carefree
As a summer song.

It takes courage
To live according
To your own convictions,
To deny yourself
What you cannot afford.
To love your neighbor
As yourself!